Is this a Wet Basement?

October 16, 2011 scroll to read ...
Is This a Wet Basement? I'm asking for opinions here..... My buyers are very interested in a house.  They want to finish the basement in this home, so they want to make sure that it is dry.   The basement is always very "musty smelling" when we go th...

Is This a Wet Basement?

I'm asking for opinions here.....

My buyers are very interested in a house. They want to finish the basement in this home, so they want to make sure that it is dry. The basement is always very "musty smelling" when we go there. We spoke with the sellers about having Basement Systems come with us to do an estimate. The sellers were quite surprised, and said that they had never had water in the basement.

water damage?

The sellers then qualified that statement by adding that they did have a little water come in via the bilco doors when the gutters were not cleaned out. That was the reason for the moldy stain on the drywall by the bilco door. We found that the mildewy area was not right next to the bilco door at all, and there were other signs of dampness. The walls were stained and had what I thought was powdery calcium ... usually pushed out of concrete by water. Here and there were signs of water running down a wall ....

What do you think? Watch the video of this basement and give your opinion...

20 Windy Ridge Place Wilton, CT 06897