Westport CT 06880 Average Sales Prices Past 3 Year

December 01, 2012 scroll to read ...
Westport CT Home Sales. Here is a 3 year comparison of sales in Westport CT showing the average sale price month to month. You can see some months average sale price was higher than the average but this shows most homes in Westport are selling in the $1M to $1.5M range.

Westport CT Home Sales

Here is a 3 year comparison of sales in Westport CT showing the average sale price month to month. You can see some months average sale price was higher than the average but this shows most homes in Westport are selling in the $1M to $1.5M range.

Market Data Westport CT

2010-2012 Number of Sales Westport CT 06880

20 Windy Ridge Place Wilton, CT 06897