Whew! Hurricane Sandy Blew Our Tree Up!

November 03, 2012 scroll to read ...
Hurricane Sandy certainly blew our tree up in the front of our home. At first on Monday, October 29th, the back limb crashed across all of our beautiful landscaping in the circle of our driveway.

Hurricane Sandy certainly blew our tree up in the front of our home. At first on Monday, October 29th, the back limb crashed across all of our beautiful landscaping in the circle of our driveway. Eason White Pine down in Hurricane Sandy 2012

Twenty years of moving things around and planting little "babies" to grow to adulthood plants and shrubs - wiped out in one fell blow. A very strong hurricane blow, mind you!!!

We have been out of power for 5 days, and are thinking of those with no generators and no heat. It is getting very cold now, and no fireplace can quite do the trick. Our power has returned, but 60% of Wilton is still without.

20 Windy Ridge Place Wilton, CT 06897